Hi, my name is Maria Gabriela, but everybody calls me Gaby or Maria. I was born in Maracaibo on January 17th; right now I am studying Industrials Relations at URBE. I love music, especially jazz, I also like to work out every day at the gym, but someday I rather go to running at “la vereda del Lago” in the afternoon. I have a son, his name is Rafael Eduardo, who is an Engineer, I also have a daughter, and she is 18 years old and is planning to study at “the Universidad del Zulia”.
I hate violence, war, injustice and lies, I dream of seeing my two sons happy and having a successful life.
I think English is very important for everybody, I am aware of that and my two sons went to other countries to learn it.
I took this class because I want to continue learning this idiom and also make friends to practice with me, so last week I talked with two of my classmate, one was Jose Inciarte, he’s from Maracaibo also, and he likes to play soccer. He study electronic Engineer in URBE, he told me that he doesn’t like to cook and clean out his room. He has a dream, he wants to be the owner of a successfully company.
I also meet Jose Carlos Melendez; he is a very nice person and is also from Maracaibo. He studies Graphic Design, he is 22 years old. I ask about what he likes and Juan told me that he wants to create things, to have an original ideas.
He doesn’t like the injustice, and his dream is to be a great singer.
Date: 01/18/2007
martes, 10 de abril de 2007
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